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Inspirational Content
ACts of the Apostles(podcact)
This is a podcast produced by Verse by Verse Ministries and delivered by Pastor Stephen Armstrong.
It is a very in-depth and highly detailed study of the Gospel of John. John's Gospel is well suited for anyone wanting to know more of the life and death of Christ whether they be non-believer, young Christian or old Christian.
John's focus uniquely, is not merely on relaying the events of Christ's life but the meaning of his ministry on earth. This study has personally shed new light on questions I have had in my own walk as a Christian and has affirmed and provided biblical evidence for some things that I only assumed were true. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone wanting to know more about who Christ was and why he came to earth check out this podcast by clicking the button below!
Another Podcast produced by Verse By Verse Ministries and delivered by Pastor Stephen Armstrong.
Again Steven delivers an incredibly indepth study of the text pulling from historical and cultural context cross referencing everything with the Bible itself making sure it supports everything that he teaches.
Acts is written by Luke the physician and traveling companion to Paul during his missionary journeys. Picking up where the Gospel of John leaves off Acts opens with the final days of Christ on earth and his ascension to Heaven. He writes Acts in narrative form recounting the spreading of the Christian faith simply referred to as "The Way" in those early times from Jerusalem all the way to Rome. Roughly divided in two parts Act focuses first on the work of Peter and his sharing of the gospel to Jews, Samaritans and opening the door to Gentiles. Then shifts to the story of Saul becoming Paul and his preaching to the Gentiles taking him all the way to Rome.
Please give this podcast a listen follow the link below.